Mommy got the tube in! Originally Posted January 23, 2010

We did our NG training today and it was easier then I expected.  It wan not exactly my idea of a good time but still easier then I expected!

Ali is no longer isolated. It’s great that she’s fighting off her cold but also unfortunate that we’ll probably loose the private room. It`s hard to sleep at the best of times in the hospital with all the machines beeping and people bustling around, the private room has been a nice change! Ali`s still very congested but hopefully that goes away soon.

Our little peanut did have a bit of vomiting this morning but we decided to go ahead and attempt to condense her feed to 1 hour 45 minutes anyways because the cold is getting better so there’s a good chance she’ll tolerate the feed. She lost weight yesterday which is unfortunate and probably due to the vomiting.

Jason and I got to go out tonight to an NHL hockey game tonight. It was fun and a great way to unwind after another stressful day.

We spoke with Cardiology. They would like to run some more tests next week. They’re not very concerned about anything but they just need to recheck some results in order to get us closer to being discharged.

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